Thursday, January 3, 2013

The West of Madagascar, the History (1)

Foto di Mahajanga Province
Questa foto di Mahajanga Province è offerta da TripAdvisor.

The west is the home of the Sakalava people.
For a while in Malagasy history this was the largest and most powerful tribe, ruled by their own kings and queens.
The Sakalava Kingdom was founded by the Volamena branch of the Makoserana dinasty which emerged in the southwest during the 16th century.

Foto di Mahajanga Province
Questa foto di Mahajanga Province è offerta da TripAdvisor.

Earty in the 17th century a Volamena prince, Andriamisara, reached the Sakalava River and gave its name to his new kingdom.
His son, Andriandahifotsy - which means "white man" - succeeded him around 1650 and, with the aid of firearms acquired from European traders, conquered the southwestern area between the Onilahy and Manambolo Rivers.
This region became known as the Menabe.
Later kings conquered first the Boina, the area from the Manambolo to north of present-day Mahajanga, and then the northwest coast as far as Antsiranana.

Foto di Mahajanga Province
Questa foto di Mahajanga Province è offerta da TripAdvisor.

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