Wednesday, January 2, 2013

The West of Madagascar (2)

Foto di Mahajanga Province
Questa foto di Mahajanga Province è offerta da TripAdvisor.

This is the region in which to see one Madagascar's extraordinary natural wonders: the tsingy.
Pronounced zing, this is exactly the sound made when one of the limestone pinnacles is struck (they can be played like a xylophone).
It is also a word for "sharp" in Malagasy.

Foto di Mahajanga Province
Questa foto di Mahajanga Province è offerta da TripAdvisor.

Limestone karst is not unique in Madagascar, but it is rare to see such dramatic forms, such an impenetrable forest of spikes and spires.
The endemic succulents that struggle for a foothold in this waterless environment add to the otherworldly feeling.
Three national parks showcase tsingy.
Opposite major rivers the sea water along the west coast is a brick-red colour.
This is the laterite washed into the rivers from the eroded hillsides of the highlands and discharged into the sea: Madagascar's bleeding wounds.

Foto di Mahajanga Province
Questa foto di Mahajanga Province è offerta da TripAdvisor.

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