Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Mahajanga, Anjohibe Caves & Beyond

Anjohibe means "big cave" so this name is common in the region.
The famous Grottes d'Anjohibe are 82 km northeast of Mahajanga and accessible only by 4x4, and only in the dry season.

There are two places to visit: the caves themselves and a natural swimming pool above the Mahafanina waterfalls.

The caves are full of stalactites and stalagmites (and bats) and have several kilometres of passages.

Dan Carlsson excavated them in 1996:"It seems as though the caves have been used for normal living but also as a place of sacrifice. We found pottery with ash, charcoal and animal bones; also several hippopotamus bones believed to be some million years old".

To reach the caves turn left at Antanamarina and continue for 5 km.
It takes about four hours from Mahajanga.
Don't forget to take a torch.

John and Valerie Middleton add: "Two thirds of the way to the caves the River Mariarano is crossed next to the small village of Posima. The area is very beautiful with many cone-shaped hills often with caves, most with large passageways and beautiful formations".



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