Tuesday, November 27, 2012

From Tana to Antsirabe

Foto di Antsirabe
Questa foto di Antsirabe è offerta da TripAdvisor.

It takes about three hours to drive to Antsirabe non stop, but there are numerous suggested pauses and diversions so most people take the best part of a day to do 169 km.

Foto di Antsirabe
Questa foto di Antsirabe è offerta da TripAdvisor.

The photo opportunities are terrific: all along this stretch of road you will see Merina tombs, and can watch the labour-intensive cultivation of rice paddies.

Foto di Antsirabe
Questa foto di Antsirabe è offerta da TripAdvisor.

About 15 km from Tana look for the huge, white replica of the rova across the paddy fields on the right.
This was ex-president Didier Ratsiraka's palace, funded by North Korea.

Foto di Antsirabe
Questa foto di Antsirabe è offerta da TripAdvisor.

Ambatofotsy: an interesting diversion for those with their own vehicle is this lakeside resort just over 20 km south of Tana.

Foto di Antsirabe
Questa foto di Antsirabe è offerta da TripAdvisor.

There's a small nature park here with around 160 plant species, a few lemurs and one or two snakes and other reptiles.
There is also a museum and a couple of places to stay.

Foto di Antsirabe
Questa foto di Antsirabe è offerta da TripAdvisor.

Some 20 km further on is the village of Behenjy (PK 43), which has been a centre for production of fois gras since independence.

Foto di Antsirabe
Questa foto di Antsirabe è offerta da TripAdvisor.

Ambatolanpy: some two hours from Tana, Ambatolanpy and its surrounding villages are famous for their metalwork - mainly cooking pots and kitchen utensils.
Cast aluminium souvenirs are often for sale along the main road.

Foto di Antsirabe
Questa foto di Antsirabe è offerta da TripAdvisor.

The town has a colourful Thursday market and on Sundays there is horseracing at the nearby hippodrome.
This is also the starting point for excursions to Tsinjoarivo, with its summer rova, and the forestry station of Manjakatompo.

Foto di Antsirabe
Questa foto di Antsirabe è offerta da TripAdvisor.



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