Monday, November 12, 2012

Welcome to Madagascar !

Foto di Madagascar
Questa foto di Madagascar è offerta da TripAdvisor.

Isolated for 65 million years, Madagascar is the oldest island on heart.

As a result its natural history is unique.
There are over 200,000 species on the island, living in habitats ranging from rainforests to deserts and from mountain tops to mangrove swamps.

Foto di Madagascar
Questa foto di Madagascar è offerta da TripAdvisor.

The residents are as unique as they are diverse.
Eight whole plant families exist only on Madagascar, as do close to 1,000 orchid species, many thousands of succulents, countless insects, at least 350 species of frog, around 370 kinds of reptile, five families of birds and approaching 200 different mammals, including an entire branch of the primate family tree, the order to which we ourselves belong.

Foto di Madagascar
Questa foto di Madagascar è offerta da TripAdvisor.

This magnificent menagerie is the product of a spectacular geological past.
About 167 million years ago, Madagascar was a land-locked plateau at the centre of the largest continent the Earth has ever seen: Gondwana.

Foto di Madagascar
Questa foto di Madagascar è offerta da TripAdvisor.

This was during the age of the reptiles at about the time when flowering plants were beginning to blossom and primitive mammals and birds were finding a niche among their giant dinosaur cohabitants.
With a combination of sea-level rises and plate movements Gondwana subsequently broke apart.
Madagascar still attached to present-day India, drifted away from Africa.

Foto di Madagascar
Questa foto di Madagascar è offerta da TripAdvisor.

Then, around the time of the mass dinosaur extinction, Madagascar broke completely free, setting itself adrift as one of the earth's great experiment in evolution.

Foto di Madagascar
Questa foto di Madagascar è offerta da TripAdvisor.

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